Clearing space for a simple plan that’s heart aligned

If you ever have trouble focusing on what’s truly important to you and yearn to feel more present and engaged, I’m a big advocate for mindful and intentional planning.

Because once we have a simple plan in place that’s heart-aligned, we set ourselves up to be able to experience FLOWThat sensation of true presence and the opportunity to really enjoy your life, your relationships, and your creative work.

Here’s what it takes to get there:

  1. Set aside some time for the space-making power of good planning. Good planning is heart responsive and comes from intentional listening. We need to feel safe enough that our true desires reveal themselves. It takes time, but it feels great and it saves you time.

I’ve been clearing a lot of space to reflect lately and to be honest, sometimes I have to dig deep to give myself that permission. But once I do, I see what I really want and need. I know I’ve listened well when I feel fresh and my goals and path become clear.

  1. Turn your desires into goals and actions. Get specific. Keep it simple.

For example, the book I’m writing. My heart is totally in it and I gave myself a clear and simple action plan: 45 minutes a day 5 days a week. I took the time and made a really good outline, so now I just show up and flow, and I don’t feel complicated about it. I’m not distracted or confused about the plan because I’m not building the bridge while I’m crossing it. I show up and I write, and it gives me so much joy!

Clearing space for a simple plan that’s heart aligned is such an empowering thing to do right now, at a time when so much is out of our control. To harness the moves within your control feels amazing.

What does this spark for you? I’d love to know in the comments!

Clearing space for a simple plan that’s heart aligned is also the intention behind Conscious Choice in the New Year, my 10 week mindful visioning program for creative souls wanting to live boldly and intentionally no matter what 2021 brings.

Clarity work
Strategic intentions
Creative community
Protected stillness

In this 10-week group program you will:

  • Get aligned with weekly guided body-centered mindfulness
  • Clarify your vision and produce a heart-aligned action plan for the year
  • Self-reflect with compassionate awareness through visual art observation
  • Feel nourished, energized and connected with a community of mindful creatives
  • Nurture your creative practice and grow your self-trust and confidence

    This program is open to just 20 people, with 3 Premiere slots are available for deep 1:1 support with a big project or life transformation, and 3 slots reserved for BIPOC Artists & Arts Administrators (apply here)

If this sounds like something that could really serve you right now, you can learn more here.