Welcome creative souls! We’re here to help you find and follow your truest path in life and work. When you feel stuck, blocked, stressed or unexpressed, we support you to reconnect with your own inner wisdom so that you get to see your life more clearly, choose your steps more intentionally, express yourself more creatively, and feel more confident and alive. We believe authentic work/life expression makes for a healthier, more beautiful world. Click to learn more about group programsprivate sessions, and one-on-one mentorship.

Welcome mindful museums! We partner to create mindfulness experiences that blend art observation with meditation, movement, breath work, and self-expression to prepare the mind, body, and spirit for deep relaxation and insights. Click to learn more about museum workshops and meditation recordings.

We strive to create compassionate, authentic, and anti-racist spaces that consider the whole human being, support calm nervous systems, and empower safe exploration of personal questions, important decisions, or areas of challenge.

Through a guided observational process, artworks and our bodies, minds, and hearts become our teachers, amplifying openness, unlocking innate intuition, and guiding the way to profound discovery and peaceful empowerment.

Participants come away with new tools and new awareness, feeling relaxed, revitalized, fulfilled, and on track. You can hear their own words here.